How to install Magento Extension

This tutorial will teach you how to install the Magento extension successfully. There are two ways to install them. In the First method, we will install it from the admin panel. In the Second method, install them manually. For the first method, we will need to go to the Magento marketplace site and download the MailChimp extension which is free to use. For the second method, we will need to download the Easy Template Path Hints extension. This extension was developed by MagePyscho. I don’t own this extension. This tutorial is based on the Magento 1x version.

First method: Install from admin panel

Step 1: Logged in to the system and go to System >> Magento Connect >> Magento Connect Manager. That will open a login page, and enter the admin credential.

Step 2: Click here to get the install url. This is free to use. We don’t need to buy but you should be a registered user. If not then please create an account and proceed with the steps.

Now, Click on the Add to Cart and purchase that free extension.

After you had successfully purchased the extension, Go to your purchase history, and the page list all the purchase history. Click on the install which will provide you the Access Key

Copy that access key and come back to the Magento connect manager page. There you will see a Paste extension key to install. Paste that access key and click on the install button. After that click on the proceed button. The system will successfully install the extension.

Note: Don’t forget to clear the magento cache. This is located at System >> Cache Management. Click on the Flush Cache Storage.

Step 3:

After you have successfully installed we need to check if the extension is successfully installed. To check we will go back to the admin panel. And go to System >> Configuration, there you should be able to see the MailChimp extension. If you click on that extension then the system will show 404 error. Don’t worry, log out from the system and again log in and go to the same path and click on MailChimp. Now, the 404 error should be gone.

Second method: Install manually

In this method, we will download the Easy template path hints. Click here to download the extension which is developed by the MagePyscho.

Step 1: Download that extension and open the file, there you will see the app folder. After that, copy that app folder and paste it to the Magento root directory folder.

Step 2: To check if the extension is installed, go to the System >> Configuration, click on Advanced section which is a subsection of Advanced. Look for the MagePsycho_Easypathhints. If you found that then the extension is successfully installed.

Note: Don’t forget to clear the Magento Cache located at System >> Cache Management. Click on the Flush Cache Storage.

How to install Magento 2

How to install Magento 2 – This tutorial is for Magento beginner developers to install Magento 2 successfully. Firstly, we will download the files from and secondly, configure the setup wizard successfully. So, open the new tab and type and press enter. Hover over the community menu and click on the documentation and resources link below the developers’ section. It will redirect you to the documentation and resources page, on the top right side of the menu click on the download section.

On the download page, you will see three tabs download, release archive, and how to get started. Click on the download tab and click on the Magento 2.2.2 version. To download the source code you should have an account on that site. Please create an account and click on the download.

Now, copy and paste the magento files into the htdocs folder which is located in (MAMP/XAMPP) folder.

Following steps to install the Magento

There are 7 steps. Please follow each and every steps to run the application on your system.

Step 1: Go to phpmyadmin, and create a new database namely magento2 or any other name.

Step 2: Go to a new tab, and enter http://localhost:8888/magento2, that page will display a setup wizard and
we will need to configure the database, store, and user information. The setup wizard page looks like the below image.

Magento 2 installation - setup wizard page

Step 3: Click on “Agree and Setup Magento” button. After that click on the “Start Readiness Check” button to check the environment like PHP version, extension, compatibility, and permissions. Click on the next button on the top right side

Step 4:Add a database

Database Server Host: Enter “localhost”, if the web server and database are placed on the same hosting account. If the database is located on a different server then we will need to add that hostname or IP address.

Database Server Username: Enter the database privilege users to run the function for instance “root”.

Database Server Password: Enter the user’s password. If a password is not set for that user then this field can be empty

Database Name: Enter the database name for instance magento2

Table prefix: If you want to prefix table names to uniquely identify magento tables then you can enter a maximum of five characters in length. for example mg_1.

Magento 2 installation - Add a database

Step 5:Configure the web

Your Store Address: Enter the site information, for instance

Magento Admin Address: Enter the admin URL path

Click on the advanced option to enter the relevant information for the web. This is option is optional.

HTTPS Options: Check the checkbox options if your site runs the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

Apache Rewrites: Select the use Apaches Web Server Rewrites

Encryption Key: Magento uses encryption key to encrypt the data. You can use the magento generated key or use your own encryption key.

Session Save: You can choose to store the session information on files and databases. By default, the session information is saved on the file. But you can also use the database. If you want to use the database then select the Db

Step 6:Setup store info

In this section, we will set up the store information and enable or disable the magento extension.

Store Default Time Zone: Select the appropriate timezone for your store.

Store Default Currency: Select the currency that will be used in your store.

Store Default Language: Select the language from the list which will be used on your store.

Click on the Advanced Modules Configurations to enable or disable the magento extension. Select the modules which you want to enable or disable

Magento 2 installation -
 Setup store info

Step 7:Create admin account

In this part, we will create the admin credential. With this information, the admin can log in to the backend.

New Username: Create the admin’s username that will be used on the login admin panel section.

New Email: Enter the admin’s email address

New Password: Enter the admin’s password.

Confirm Password: Enter confirm password and should match with password field

Go to the next step and click on the install now button.

Magento 2 installation -
 Create admin account

Calling the phtml file from cms page – Magento 1x

This tutorial is about calling the phtml template on the cms page. This tutorial will be straightforward. In summary, We will create a new page in the admin panel and a custom phtml file in the backend. So, before we move forward this tutorial is applied only on the Magento 1x.

Step 1:

Login into the admin panel and hover over the cms nav and click on the pages

Step 2:

After that you will see the cms manage page, click on the add new page button and enter

Page Title: Enter the page name. For example Homepage 1

URL Key: Enter the url key. For example homepage_one. The identifier is one which will be used to call in the phtml file.

Store View: Select the appropriate store to display that page.

Status: Select enabled

Content: Enter the content
In the content part, we enter this code to call the phtml file.

 {{block type="core/template" template="page/custom-template.phtml"}} 

If you write to visit the page, i.e. [] the page will display empty because we have not created any file on the backend.

Step 3:

Go to the template folder (app > design > frontend > themename > default > template > page). You can use another folder if you want to for this tutorial I am using the Magento default page folder.

Create a file named custom-template.phtml and write “hello world” for test purposes to check if the page is called successfully.
After you have saved the file, please don’t forget to clear the cache.

Additional Point:

As well as we can pass the category id or product id and use it in the phtml file. Have a look at the code where the category id has been passed and called in the phtml file

{{block type="core/template" template="page/custom-template.phtml" category_id="23"}} 
