
Select2 Tutorial

I hope you have downloaded the source code. If you haven’t downloaded them yet then you can visit the select2 official page to download them. The below code initializes the select2 jquery plugin.

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Online Restaurant Management System

Restaurant Management System – This is another open-source project that we have worked on. This project is based on Codeigniter, MySQL, adminlte, bootstrap, and jquery. The administrator can manage more than one store in this system. They can track each user, product, order, and table based on the stores. The super administrator can view everything based on every store. The user’s privileges can be done by the super administrator. The administrator is responsible for user permission. He will need to set the user permission to create, update, view, and delete each module on this system.

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Magento 1x models

Magento 1x models

In this post, we have listed out all the Magento 1 catalogs, users’ sessions, session messages, etc. You can find out helpful functions to use in your projects.

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Validate an array input field

This tutorial is based on procedural PHP. It will teach you how to validate an array input field with a specific field. We find it really hard to validate an array input field. So this tutorial is make the concept more clear. The source code for this tutorial is available at end of the tutorial.

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How to install Magento Extension

This tutorial will teach you how to install the Magento extension successfully. There are two ways to install them. In the First method, we will install it from the admin panel. In the Second method, install them manually. For the first method, we will need to go to the Magento marketplace site and download the MailChimp extension which is free to use. For the second method, we will need to download the Easy Template Path Hints extension. This extension was developed by MagePyscho. I don’t own this extension. This tutorial is based on the Magento 1x version.

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