Check if current page is category, login, registration, checkout page and more

Check if current page is category, login, registration, checkout page and more - Magento 1.9

Sometimes in theme development, you will need to display a particular block code for a specific page. To display a specific block of code on a particular page, we can run the below code. This code can ease you to fetch the module, controller, and action name in phtml template file. These codes only work on the phtml template file not in static blocks or cms page in the admin panel.

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Calling the phtml file from cms page

Calling the phtml file from cms page - Magento 1x

This tutorial is about calling the phtml template on the cms page. This tutorial will be straightforward. In summary, We will create a new page in the admin panel and a custom phtml file in the backend. So, before we move forward this tutorial is applied only on the Magento 1x.

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Calling the static block from phtml files

Calling the static block from phtml files - Magento 1x

I know for beginners calling the static blocks into your phtml template file could be intimidating. But don’t worry this tutorial makes you easy but appropriate steps. I hope you already downloaded and install the magento and working on your project.

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Get base Url, Skin Url, Media Url in both phtml files and cms pages or static blocks

Get base Url, Skin Url, Media Url in both phtml files and cms pages or static blocks - Magento 1x

I have been searching on the web for these helpful codes for Magento 1x and I have gathered them together here for my own purpose. But if you want to use these codes in your project then please go ahead.

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Parking Management System - Codeigniter

The parking Management System is the most complete and versatile parking management system. This system is an open-source project. We have provided the most advanced backend management functionality with parking slots, parking rates, parking categories, and more of the best functionality.

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