Login and Registration with Procedural PHP, Mysqli

This tutorial will teach you to create a user registration and login system with procedural php and mysqli. The registration and login system is the most crucial part of the web application and the session plays a vital role to check the user’s login status. The source code is provided at the end of this tutorial.

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Simple CRUD with PHP, MYSQLI

CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) is a usual job in web development. In Later Career, as a web developer, you’ll encounter lots of CRUD functionality in your career. The design of a CRUD will allow the users to create/retrieve/update/remove the data from the front end of the system. Generally, with the help of PHP as a server-side programming language, the data will be stored in MYSQL Database. PHP as a server-side language will be manipulating MYSQL Database tables to perform a particular action triggered by the users.

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Submitting the form with Ajax

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a great technique usually used for updating the portion of a web page without refreshing the whole page. The help of the Ajax technique it will make the web application much better, faster, and more interactive. To submit the form with Ajax we will be working with procedural PHP, HTML, and Ajax.

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Online Inventory Management Software with PHP, Open Source

Online Inventory Management Software is an open-source project developed by procedural PHP, MySQL, bootstrap, and jquery. This application is based on a web application and developed with procedural PHP, MySQL database, jquery, datatables plugins, and Bootstrap. This application provides users to manage brands, categories, products, orders, and reports. This system provides the best inventory management software features. This system can be also used for small businesses. It is free web-based inventory management software.

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Datatables is a plug-in to enhance the HTML table interaction and provide adaptable tools. Datatables CRUD (Create, Retrieve Update Delete) will improve your application in terms of readability, Better UI, and other advantages. There are many benefits of using this plug-in, but for this tutorial, we will be discussing a simple Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete (CRUD).

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